Invest in co-design methodologies to support you
& your community
Make your SEAT AT THE TABLE ! Society does not always prioritise accessible design for all, LETS AdaptThis CHANGE.
Use this website as your advocate, a platform for examples on best practice, literature, education resources and connections to consultants within the design space. Lets create a kinder, gentler way to treat the most important thing we have, ourselves, our health and our environment.
AdaptThis.Org is a one-stop shop to link you to find your designer to collaborate with for design your space.
For your home, work, events and education resources. Let us work together and Chat with Us
Collaborators, Co-Designers & Co-Creators
Below shows a series of company logos who are collaborators with AdaptThis.Org who could support you with co-design methodologies for accessible design.
Companies shown include Re-Fabricate, The Dis/Ordinary Architecture Project, Poor Collective, Architecture LGBT+, Her Retrofit Space, and Deaf Architecture Front and there are many more.
“We need to make every single thing accessible to every single person with a disability.”
—Stevie Wonder